Change Management with participative approach
Executive Training Organization
Your trainings on the French Riviera
Process improvement | Project management | Digitization | Client strategy |CRM HRIS system integration in Fr/Eng
Design and content management | Press relations & communication | Certified online Lean Six Sigma trainings
Market studies | Benchmarks | Process analysis | Resume support in French for individuals
+33 9 52 15 95 41 marketenergizer@outlook.com
To set up a call 9am-6pm M T W T F


Improving sales effectiveness
Training catalog
The following training modules are either held in French or in English
- Serving customer best : ensuring a good customer service
- Elaborating a good sales strategy
- Managing sales
- One to one sales management session
- How to launch a technical product using a web application on the market
- Trading - product launch in or outer France
- Design of sales & marketing actions to develop turnover
- Business meetings with written debriefing (Fr/Eng)
- Lead generation tactics

Other sales training modules in French or in English
- Managing a sales strategy change within your teams
- Building matricial management KPIs
- Implementing change without resource turnover effects
- Integrating change in a YTD business plan
- Digital processes in sales but keeping the client relation up
- How to use client case studies in the sales process
- How to improve company overall process to sell more
- Building long term relationships with clients
- Generating sales in a soft but long term strategy
- Building a quote with your client using a participative approach

© 2020 par Market Energizer - Mentions légales
marketenergizer@outlook.com - +33 6 62 316 366