Change Management with participative approach
Executive Training Organization
Your trainings on the French Riviera
Process improvement | Project management | Digitization | Client strategy |CRM HRIS system integration in Fr/Eng
Design and content management | Press relations & communication | Certified online Lean Six Sigma trainings
Market studies | Benchmarks | Process analysis | Resume support in French for individuals
+33 9 52 15 95 41 marketenergizer@outlook.com
To set up a call 9am-6pm M T W T F

Business services

The Business Call : 45€HT
Market Energizer proposes solutions based on international operational experiences when you need an external insight
Challenging ideas on operational issues
Management tips for all industries
Interaction to find solutions to increase productivity / operational networking
Business action plan : 500€HT
3 hour operational support
Action example : extra resource needed in your company for a couple of hours / sales & marketing process analysis / event organization /sales & marketing coaching session / Customer service process / resource to represent your company to get contacts in at exhibitions / business English coaching /translations French-English / English-French / powerpoint presentation writing/translation in English or French

Finding solutions together
1 hr
45 eurosWorking together with a participative approach
3 hr
500 eurosWP 5 /10 page website - Pricing varies depending on the content needs
10 hr
1 200 euros